I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont

I Like Myself book cover

Dear Dumplin,

I found I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont by complete accident.  I promised you a trip to Barnes and Nobles.  While you played with the train set in the kids department, I looked for a new book for you.  I see this cute little girl with curly hair on a pink book.  Bingo!  I’m so glad I bought this book for you.

At first, you were intimidated by the pictures.  There’s one page with a big lion with even bigger eyes.  You actually covered your ears when we got to that page until you got used to it.  In addition to wanting you to grow your intellect and your intelligence, I want you to be confident just as you are.  You are perfect just the way you are.  As you get older, you may have experiences that make you feel differently.  Just come back here to remember.  You have every reason to like yourself.

One of the things I really like about the book is that it rhymes.  You’d be surprised how many children’s books don’t rhyme.  I think the rhyming keeps you interested and helps you learn different vocabulary words.  Could you imagine Dr. Seuss books that don’t rhyme?  Ridiculous!

I Like Myself Inside Page

In addition to rhyming and building self-esteem, I love that the book is fun!  Every page shows the main character having a deliriously fun time simply being herself.  That’s what I want for you!  As a result, I Like Myself is a book with a character of color I am proud that you have in your library.




2 thoughts on “I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont

  1. I LOOOOOVE THIS BOOK!!!! I teach Pre-K and so I feel that the foundation that I build in my students will last them a life time. I try to make sure that each of my students know how special they are just because they are who they are. I try to instill self confidence in my girls and my boys, and this book is great for that.

    1. Thank you for reading my post. Self-esteem is definitely vital to develop in young children. It’s the foundation for having courage to pursue goals and dreams! Keep up the good work!

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